De Baires a Moscú

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Location: República de Mataderos, Capital Federal, Argentina

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Baires 02

Buenos Aires, January 25, 2007 , 3:00am

Hey Sofía how r u? I must tell you what happen whit my person in the last ten months. Fourtanelly, I can say, I'm alive. After I wrotte you the first mail, my life just got complicated. One week later I've started to receive tons of garbish mails and viruses. One tuesday when I was going on my way to work the police stop me telling that I had killed a lady and that I kept whit the house and a lot of money. None of this is truth, but the guy who did all that stuff, looks a lot like me, I saw a picture like two weeks after I was in jail. I have a college friend that after journalism he studied laws. It was a long process but since two months ago, I've recoverd my freedom. It made me think a lot, I had time to reflex and think about my life, and now I feel better whit me and whit who I am. I tell you all this because, I had an illusion, I thought that finally the life was smiling to me, when I received your mail. I understand if you don't want to writte me again. I just wants to extend you my apollogizes, and the wish to sometime go back to our mails. поцелуй; Carlos.

PS: There are a lot of things about me that are really positives and much much more reals than this surreal time I had. I insist whit the mails because is a faster way to know the bad news, if there is going to be future letters, promise to writte to your home address. мне очень жаль

Monday, April 17, 2006

Moscow 01

Moscow April 17, 2.30 a.m

Hola como estás? This line is all I know in spanish. According what you told me in your mail, I'm gonna choose the english language to comunicate me. First than anything I want to tell you that this way to exchange news form each other is not my favourite, I choose letters. I had my own suspicions to answer your mail, but we are so far that I thought, what a hell!!!.
Some tips about me: I'm 27 years old, dancer, and I live in my own apartment in a community bilding, at the Arbat neighbourhood. The past summer I went on tour whit the Moscow ballet all over Europe. And the person I was trying to reach is a friend (yankee) that I´ve met in London. I have a cousin who once lived in Baires (as you call your city) an told me that is a nice place to live, so who knows, maybe some day. I don't like much sports, just follow the performance of the ice skaters in the olimpycs so i'm not the best reference to inform you about what happens here. I've borned in a big family. About my proffesional life you must know that even if I'm not a famous dancer or have my own studio to teach dance, still is a good life. Sometimes I have moments that really let me down and it is too hard to go over them, maybe in the future I'll let you know all the reasons of this feelings, thoughts and goals of my life, but I'm a lady and I don't take the first step. The photo is from my neighbourhood. I'm gonna say goodbye now, kiss, Sofia. Do svidaniya! поцеловать;

You didn't told me much about you so if you want I'll receive your letters in my apartment:
Sofia Filippovna, Rue Petrovka 27. apt32, 103 301, Moskva, Russia

Friday, March 24, 2006

Hola, Privet, Hello

Buenos Aires, Marzo 25 de 2006, 01:30 a.m.

Hola, como va? No sé tu nombre o a quién dirigías tu mail pero me llenó de intriga saber quién podía tener una dirección de correo similar a la mía. No sé escribir en Ruso, sí algo en inglés, así que voy a traducirte algunas cosas. I've received your mail tonight and after I read it, wanted to know who you are and why you are trying to contact this person that seems not think of you now. May be you wonder why exist someone like me, a little crazy to answer. In this days I'm very thanksfull whit the technology because in among ohter things allows me to know people from all over the globe. I had a terrible week and this message gave me a few minutes to don't think about anything and digrees in other worlds.
I'm going to tell you a little about me. I'm journalist, 29 years old, and never been in Europe. I work in a sports newspaper. I like to write, hope to be writter soon, most novels. I don´t know how I do it, still unpublished, but I don't lose the illusion that maybe some day, I could live from my ideas. Right now in baires (Buenos Aires) is fall season but we still have some sunny days whit 25°C. Visit Russia is a lifeplan and allways daydream about it. Besides the Kremlin, I want to see some sports events live, such as hockey and football.
Well I hope to hear soon from U, I'm sorry that I'm not who you were looking for, I don't know your name and is something that I'd like to find out, just in case let me remind u that my mail adress is, Spokoynoy nochi! поцелуй;

Monday, January 23, 2006

Proemio - пролог - Foreword

Era una noche de verano cuando llegó a su departamento luego de una jornada de trabajo exhaustiva. La cena esa noche sólo sería una pizza fría en el horno y un par de cervezas en la heladera. Encendió las luces, la pc y la tele. El viernes era un día digno de pasarlo en soledad, trabajar en sus proyectos personales y desarrollar esas ideas que le quitaban el sueño en la semana. Por fin había llegado el momento para descansar. Luego de ver fútbol en televisión y hacer zapping con un partido de la NBA, bajó la voz de la tele. Cerca de la una de la madrugada se sentó frente a la laptop y revisó los mails. El nuevo mensaje recibido llevaba como asunto: Privet!
Dudó en leer el mensaje, lo marcó para borrar y volvió a desmarcarlo casi 125 veces.
El texto del mail decía lago así:

Privet!!Kak dela? I'm going to follow your request- Napishi mnye, pazhalusta, po angliyski.-so, I want that you know that I miss you and that this months have been very lonelys whit out you. I know that we said that is not the end of our relationship but it feels like. Now is the end of the winter here and when the spring come I'll think in the days we used to share. During the last summer I've met a lot of people in my trip around Europe, I have so many things to tell you but I don't know if you want to hear from me.
поцелуй; Write me soon, я тоскую по тебе.

Cuando finalizó de leer el mail empezó a debatirse si lo contestaría o si tan sólo quedaría almacenado en la bandeja de entrada. Encontrar un mensaje que contara la historia de dos personas que se amanban a la distancia o que algún sentimiento parecido los unía, le hizo recordar cuán solitaria era su vida en esos días. Hacía tiempo que no besaba con pasión, y que esos sentimientos relacionados al amor no estaban presentes cuando se acostaba en la cama de una mujer. Buscó un diccionario Ruso-Español que tenía perdido en su biblioteca y que no recordaba como había llegado hasta allí. Antes de responder escribió en un borrador su respuesta que tuvo al menos diez ediciones.